Use "went down the drain|go down the drain" in a sentence

1. It went down the drain.

2. All my effort went down the drain.

3. Their friendship will go down the drain.

4. The results of years of work went down the drain.

5. Or our effort for years will go down the drain!

6. It foreclosed on the mortgages, and the mill went down the drain.

7. Take us down, and Papa's down the drain

8. He's not going to let it go down the drain now.

9. The water swirled down the drain.

10. Drain the potato andit cool down.

11. Screw the drain cover down tightly.

12. The ice cubes swirled down the drain.

13. It may help to twist drain rods when pushing them down the drain.

14. 12 Screw the drain cover down tightly.

15. Ho hum, another nice job down the drain.

16. It's just money down the drain, you know.

17. That's why this country's going down the drain!

18. A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain.

19. Well, there's another fifty dollars down the drain.

20. $ 2 billion of his funds assets down the drain.

21. His fortune go down the drain when he begin drinking heavily and gambling in casinos.

22. 3 It's just money down the drain, you know.

23. There's a month of my life down the drain.

24. Well that's it. 18 months' work down the drain.

25. It slides into your pocket like rain down the drain.

26. 13 I don't want to throw my money down the drain.

27. 11 I don't like to throw my money down the drain.

28. 1 It slides into your pocket like rain down the drain.

29. 14 An hour runs down a gutter into a drain.

30. The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.

31. Chemicals gurgle down a drain straight into Hong Kong's sewers.

32. 19 Why are they allowing the ratepayers and taxpayers of this country to go on throwing money down the drain?

33. You might as well take money and shovel it down the drain.

34. I felt that everything I'd worked for had gone down the drain.

35. Male speaker I fear that safety standards will go down the drain as people seek to make most profit.

36. And she would die in the bathtub, her blood going down the drain.

37. The summit was sure to go down the drain if we played our "hole card" of blockade against the area.

38. They were aware that their public image was rapidly going down the drain.

39. 9 It is money down the drain if you spend it all on candy.

40. It Backwashes the solids down the drain so that there are no cartridges to change.

41. It Backwashes the solids down the drain so that there are no cartridges to change

42. It might be convenient to just rinse with water and flush it down the drain

43. I swung on the gate, watching the tramp wolf down the sandwich and drain the cup.

44. In the nose , cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat .

45. If the factory closes, that will be a million pounds' worth of investment down the drain.

46. The rapidly moving air makes a circular motion, much like water quickly funneling down a drain.

47. Dietitians responded by telling cooks to dump yolks down the drain and use the cholesterol-free whites.

48. If someone stops paying, you don't just flush an asset like that down the drain, do you?

49. Several Minoan private homes also had toilets, which could be flushed by pouring water down the drain.

50. • Do not pour ignitable/flammable substances (straight alcohols, ethers, acetone, xylol, chloroform) or other solvents down the drain.

51. Context examples: the condemned land was used for a highway cloverleaf / the Confiscated liquor was poured down the drain

52. Do they still boil cabbage to a soupy pulp in Britain, and pour the vitamin C down the drain?

53. Drain up kits (drain pumps) for air-conditioning apparatus

54. Selling your used textbooks at the campus bookstore during Buyback is a sure way to throw money down the drain

55. Start the drain pump!

56. - Increasing brain drain.

57. Τhe drain system!

58. The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you're always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy.

59. 18 Drain the spaghetti well.

60. There are fears of family life going down the drain, as staff may get only two complete weekends off in seven.

61. Drain and rinse the pasta.

62. Leave the dishes to drain.

63. Leaves are clogging the drain.

64. Now drain him.

65. Drain and season the Broasted potatoes

66. Drain the meat from the marinade.

67. Position the hose at a downspout drain to discharge then let go of the crimp.

68. 20 The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you're always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy.

69. Drain lubricant to the correct level.

70. Run your fingers around the drain.

71. First, drain your toilet.

72. Intermittent Catheters drain urine, …

73. Something has stopped the drain up.

74. Corbelled Drain exiting the Great Bath 31 This drain cuts through the edge of the so-called granary

75. Infinity Drain Akey Features: Lift out key for removal of select Infinity Drain grates

76. Then we went to work in the swamp, digging trenches to drain the land for agricultural purposes.

77. 22 If you rely on a high-priced brand to ensure a good hair day, you could be sending money down the drain.

78. Drain all the oil from the engine.

79. The drain in the bathtub is clogged.

80. Can you drain the spaghetti, please ?